PPP Portugal Open
The G. M. D. 31 de Janeiro de Manique de Baixo is going to produce between the 30th of June and 3rd of July the 1st PingPongParkinson Portugal Open, with the indispensable support of the Portuguese Federation of Table Tennis, the municipality of Cascais and the local authority of Alcabideche.
The competition will take place in Complexo Desportivo de Alcabideche, Alcabideche.
The tournament will be open to all the players around the world diagnosed with Parkinson.
There will be a competition of Men Singles, Women Singles, Men Doubles, Women Doubles and Mixed Doubles.
The players will be divided in 3 Classes according to their type of impairment and their classification in the World Rankings.
In the Mixed Doubles competition only one Class will be considered.
For the newcomers, a scientific authority will determine in which of the 3 Classes the players will be placed.
The rules to apply are those of the last World Championships, if no alterations were made in between.
The competition will develop in the round-robin system in the first phase and by direct elimination on the final map.
For all the competitions there will be a consolation map.
According to the number of participants in each Class, changes in the playing system can be done by the Judge Referee of the competition, with the agreement of the organization.
The draw will occur on the afternoon of the 30th of April in the presence of the representatives of the teams who want to be present.
After the draw, the schedule of the competition will be available to everybody on the internet, to the representatives of the teams in the draw and in the Complex where the competition will take place.
The entry forms must be sent to Nuno Jorge, mobile nr. 0351963075127, 31janeiro.manique@gmail.com
The price of the entry fee will be 35 euros per player, with the sightseeing tour and the lunch after the medal ceremony included.
Each player will also receive a T-Shirt allusive to the tournament at the site of the accreditation.
The amount of the entry fees must be deposited in the account:
IBAN – PT50 0010 0000 1821 9800 0019 6
Being certain that we live in uncertain times because of the pandemy, we have to bear in mind the possibility of postponing the competition if we will be obliged to it.
(from https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=116329844361245&id=110304564963773)