PPP Portugal Open 2024

Portugal Open spelades 2022 och var en rolig turnering.

Den ska spelas 2024 11:e-14:e Juli.

Följande brev gällande turneringen kommer från Damasio, som är turneringsorganisatör:

My dear friend,
2 years ago when I produced the PingPongParkinson Portugal
Open, you believed me and came to play in my country not knowing
how it would be.
That’s why I am now inviting you first hand to participate in the
PingPongParkinson Portugal Invitational that will take place in my
club between the 11th and the 14th of July.
The main idea of this competition is to have a more friendly and
restrict tournament, where the players, their friends and the persons
who usually accompany them will have more time to socialize and
take advantage of the restaurants around the club and, as the days
are long in July, to go and have dinner at the beach.
As the number of players will be restrained to 16 players in each
Class and 16 ladies, I hope that you come again and bring a friend
with you this time to quickly arrange the 64 players who are needed
to make the competition successful.
As we know and are aware that some friends, coaches and family
members of the parkie competitors also like to play, for the first time
we’ll have a double’s competition in which each double will be
formed by a parkie and a normal player.
Hurry up and make your inscription now.
Best regards,
Damásio Caeiro